Share your High Holy Day Blessings!
It’s been far too long since we’ve been together. We miss you! Leave a High Holy Day message, picture, video, or even song below to share with your Temple Beth David family.
We hope you will take a chance not only to explore, but also to share and leave your own mark on our community’s offerings for these holy days. We share the following words and art with love and ask that you follow our guidelines when posting:
- B’shem Amro – In the name of the one who said it
We ask that you offer your own original works or that if you wish to share work of others that you give credit where credit is due. - Nidivut Lev – Generosity of heart
Be kind to yourself and others in this space. Our goal is to create connections and strengthen our community. So, please, open your heart. - Dina d’Malchuta Dina – The law of the land is the law
We ask that this space be one that is free of politics. We are here to discuss what we, as a Jewish community, can do to thrive and walk in God’s ways, not to debate November’s election.
To belong…
To be…
To just be…
To be just…
To help…
To be helped…
To ask for help…
To be asked to help…
To just help…
To be…
To be.
Wonderful TBD Rosh Hashanah service today, and each day! I love participating in the Choir, and singing for everyone to enjoy! The music is familiar and warms my heart, especially in this 2020 unusual year. Thank you Rabbi David, Cantor Maayan, Marilyn, and everyone involved in creating this wonderful Zoom way to gather. I am looking forward to seeing you all this RH afternoon, for the drive-in shofar service! Shana Tovah from the Malnati family!
May the new year bring all of you peace, health and joy. Shana Tova to all my temple family.
May this find you all in good spirits. What a year 5780 has been, and what a year 5781 could yet be! May we find ourselves blessed to find light in the darkness, to find support where we are weak, to find ourselves and to make our repairs. 5780 has hurt, in 5781 may we be healed!