Talmud: Mishnah Yoma 8:9
(9) One who says, “I will sin, and then repent, I will sin [again], and then repent,” will not receive an opportunity to repent; for one who says “I will sin, and Yom Kippur will atone,” Yom Kippur will not atone. Yom Kippur atones for transgressions between a person and God, but for a transgression against one’s neighbor, Yom Kippur cannot atone, until they appease their neighbor.
Questions to Consider and Discuss:
- We have focused on remembering and not forgetting throughout our service. What does memory have to do with the text above?
- Why does Yom Kippur not atone for transgressions between one and their neighbor?
How do we atone to our community if not through Yom Kippur?